Bid Adapters


A bid adapter represent an integration with SSP/DSP in one of the following protocols: RTB, Prebid Server, Prebid JS. Since every SSP/DSP requires different specific modifications to the mentioned protocols its imperative to have a way to update the UI and the request object in a way that requires as less code interventions as possible.

Using a simple JSON structure a bid adapter can modify the UI to show the required fields for each integration.

Prebid Server

In a Prebid server integration all domains are known endpoints, when choosing prebid server you must enter the valid domain URL

Prebid JS

In a Prebid JS integration all domains are known endpoints, when choosing prebid server you must enter the valid domain URL. Each Prebid JS integration has it's own unique "CPM Field" name, which should be typed as well

JSON Syntax

Each field consists of 3 object keys

  1. name: The actual name of the field that will added to the bid request

  2. type: Can be either "text" or "number"

  3. display: What will be the field title in the UI

Field names that are part of the following predefined list will affect specific fields in the request, other fields will be added to imp[0].ext field inside the bid request in case of Prebid. In the case that EXT params are required on an RTB request, each of the fields names must have a prefix as below:

  1. prd.impTagId: imp[0].tagId

  2. prd.appPublisherId: /

  3. prd.appSiteId: /

        "name": "prd.impTagId",
        "type": "text",
        "display": "Placement ID"
        "name": "context",
        "type": "select",
        "display": "Context",
        "options": [
                "name": "unkown",
                "value": 0
                "name": "Pre-roll",
                "value": 1
                "name": "Mid-roll",
                "value": 2
                "name": "Post-roll",
                "value": 3
                "name": "Outstream",
                "value": 4

Last updated